I wish I could clearly understand the way I actually I feel about you..
and I wish you could know about that but doesn't.
I know the consequence will terrible than I think after he know all my feeling.
When I'm going to forget everything about you, why the hell that your photo came out at my news feet? Can I just set that photo as my phone lock screen?
and lastly my mom will kill me after she saw it
I love to see those natural photos that make you look so damn nice
Why am I caring so much for? Hurting myself? Dying deep inside?
Is that too over or what? I'm getting tired of this..
Oh yea just left 4 months more.. Is that goodnews for me or bad?
Just wishing you'll be happy everytime.

Damn, why I keep asking myself those shit questions? And I asking again
Actually is not your fault, I'm not feeling well not because of you didn accompany the most of the time..
Dont know why.. Is just... Feeling sad.. Unreasonable seriously.. LOL
And dont be a good good people laa DaaJie

Dont be so kind to those idiots please That's over-kind LOL
I'm bearable of it.
And to my beloved siblings All of you are going to leaving..
What I suppose to face this reality? You all have good grates and I?
How about my future? I dont even know what's my own wish..
Taurus hate CHANGE
And dont chat too much with me at night..
I'll suddenly turn into bad mood actually
I'm weirdo! sighhh..

Last week I participate our school 4 days makeup class
LOL Finally know how to makeup.
I'm very thankful to my makeup teacher, Cath by teaching us so detailed.
Ahahaha didn update my blogger for a long time...
I miss you so much, blogger.
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