有时候看见你和别人的感情 说话的方式好像你和说话一样 好像已经认识很久了
你会让我觉得我好像对你来说没有什么特别 虽然我们刚认识的时候也这样
我就是怕别人会像我们一样 然后像像像像像然后变成你的X?
如果我们现在的感情很好 然后过后呢 会不会像我和大姐以前的感情
整天都在担心 可是到最好都是二姐帮我们摆平

还记得那时候大姐你严重是我的偶像啊啊啊啊啊害羞 朋友都说我疯了
所以说那时候我会不哭吗 我会哭 我遇什么事情都会哭 泪水就像我生活需求


我们女人就是这样 烦死喇.....................
I never find the courage to let the person know how I feel.


Two years ago, our relationship was so good like 'bitch,she is not my friend. she is my sister.'
And now you really have changed a lot...
You are not the person I knew before... You has admitted too...
Wish Tricia still ma best friend

Wish she has not been brainwashed

You said that all problem just shoot at you in the same time you dunno how to handle it and said your heart got no space oredy so you just spit it all out So you can simply sarcasm others? WTH.
In my opinion, 'bitch' this word is just for the person you hate not FRIENDS!
I know you are care about our relationship ..but you used the wrong way to settled this problem.. I don understand.. If you treat coco as your bestfriend why you want to say her say gah aneh kuan? Walao I so pekcek LOL
You said you never scold her you just advice her. Wthhhhhh, what the hell you just advice her?! You are annoying her.
In your opinion, if people say you are a bitch, then you also must say back the person one laaa? Childish. Do you know what is the meaning of patient and believe? Argh.
You said this thing is getting worst n worst, but do you ever think that this thing was made by yourself.

我总是对他人抱太多期盼期望 期期期期毛啊
这些词可以永远消失在我的词典吗 对他 他 他 她 她 他 她 也一样…
可是我自己却不懂怎么付出。 好像我所付出就像屎一样。
Oh my god, will you tell me why do you want to arrange I appeared in this world?
I know everything happened for a reason.
So what is the stupid reason to make you bring me here?
God, you brought me in this world will only bring everybody trouble.
Not joy or anything else. I'm worthless.
I always feel that I do not deserve to have this opportunity.
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