Ahhhhh.....I'm gonna crazy -_-
Admire!! ok? just admire LOL! My chao hiso keep saying I like him. omg.
Just because he also recognize that guy so he always threaten me!!! Arghhh. kns.

Okayyy. Don't talk about that GuaiLanGe already. Just know how to bully his sister. Sadd.

When I first met him, I never realized that I will admire him now. ( LOL, this sentence is more suitable for my GuaiLanGe. Hahahaha. ) LOL, certainly not the first time we met then I admire him.
At first I felt he was a callous guy and a person who can keep a secret. So I told him bout the other guy that went to KL with us liked me. Thank him for letting me vent bout this discusting feeling.
He is indeed callous,so I'll felt that he is very difficult to get close. Sad case. Sometimes I saw some of his female friend have a very good relationship with him. I wonder how his female friend get close with him.

But one day he approached me initiatively!
I remember the day, ZhiFei my friend told me that when she went to the audition and saw him and his friends was playing guitar. omg. I was freaking crazy because I did not have the chance to see. Hahaha.
Arh!! and yesterday! After school me, Zhifei, JiaYing, YipShin and my bro walking out from the school. Suddenly ZhiFei ask my bro why you don't go WenYu with your sister. And then! Unexpectedly he answered her "She already have 'universe' (the guy I admire) to accompany her. " Then laugh die ZhiFei. omg! I'm dead.

没有心情就是没有心情 不管你再说几好笑的笑话 我也不会开心 因为对象就是你

不是我和你感情不好才没有跟你说bojio、是因为我知道你变了 才不敢说出来

昨天我大姐问我关于朋友考试作弊的东西 才想到 只有你 我真的会整张考卷借给你抄 我不管你拿不拿。别人我才不借 要知道答案你自己跟别人拿。
有时我真的很在意我会不会烦到你 我问你 你又说没关系 我怎么知道啊
你要说 我才知道啊。 你怎么对我这么客气? 感觉我只是你朋友不是好朋友
我做人有时真的很计较 可是做人做太好 别人就会越欺负越过分 到底我要怎样
看到你这么大方 我真的无话可说 唉 你就是太过善良。
我还以为我能把你这个最好朋友位置让给人 可是我就是做不到 。
就像雪婷和婉琪 有时她们感情不好 雪婷就会告诉我。
纳尼!! 想不到了 给我时间想想

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